There can be many reasons for storing equipment: mothballing, standby and emergency spares as well as part of the manufacturing process. Enviropeel will protect them all.
Enviropeel was first developed for the prevention of corrosion in stored parts and standby equipment. The material was specially designed to provide a totally protective micro-environment within a sprayable, waterproof encapsulating barrier to provide continuous rust prevention through built-in inhibiting oils. Spray application means that the material can be applied to objects of any size, shape or complexity … entire machines or their smallest components.
Stored or mothballed equipment deteriorates faster than when it is in use. Moisture enters the system and is retained through inactivity, moving parts corrode into immobility, seals dry out and machined surfaces become potted and scarred. Before using Enviropeel, engineering companies repairing parts and equipment were seeing up to 45% of their repaired and stored machinery requiring rework through deterioration in storage, especially large components stored in the open air, despite protection with tape wrap and other systems.
Following the introduction of Enviropeel, no matter where the machinery was stored, rework requirements were reduced to zero. Machined surfaces stayed good as new, rotating equipment functioned perfectly with nuts and bolts remaining fully serviceable and rust free.